Fort Wayne Indiana Botanical Garden Engagement: Marie & James

Meet the adorable Marie and James! These two first met in Tuscan, Arizona where they were both attending college. They hit it off and went on their first date in December 2015. Obviously the first date went well and these two have been together ever since. James proposed to Marie last November and they will be tying the knot next June!

Marie and James will be getting married at the Blue Barn Berry Farm in Syracuse, Indiana. They are still in the midst of wedding planning since their wedding is next year, but they are so excited!

We met up at Foellinger Freimann Botanical Conservatory in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It was the perfect location for them! Since they met in Arizona they wanted to tie in some desert to their engagement session and the conservatory has a desert exhibit! Marie is originally from the Philippines and James is originally from Hawaii so they also loved that the conservatory has a tropical exhibit too! Everything was gorgeous and perfect! We ended their session at Lakeside Park and Rose Garden in Fort Wayne so they could include in a few photos with their adorable puppy Cheeks! The park was also gorgeous and reminded me of Kensington Palace Gardens!

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from their engagement session below and be sure to check back in June 2020 for their wedding images!