First Look Tips: Wedding Wednesday

It's no secret that I LOVE first looks! It's such a sweet moment and a special time where you can have a few moments alone with your soon to be spouse. Plus, doing a first look allows you to have more portrait time and allows you to enjoy a bit of cocktail hour too! If you are considering doing a first look, below are a few things to consider.


The first thing you will want to think about is the location. You will want a location that has great light with a clean background. If you don't have your heart set on a certain location for your first look, let your photographer find the perfect location for you! They will find a location that will look the best.


When it comes to your first look, you will want some privacy. This is really one of the only times you will be alone with your spouse! The rest of the day will be filled with people so enjoy this private moment. As much as your wedding party, parents, etc will ask to watch the moment, it's nice to keep this moment private. They can see the photos later.

Don't Pressure Your Fiancé

We have all ran across photos where the bride or groom looses it during the first look. A lot of couples really want to have their partner cry during the first look. However, don't pressure your fiancé about crying! Everyone has different emotions and show them differently and not everyone cries. Even if your fiancé does not cry, the emotion is still there and it is still special.

Do What Comes Natural

Just like crying, don't feel like you need to do a certain thing during your first look. Do what comes naturally when you see each other for the first time. If you want to hug and kiss, do it! If you want to spin around and admire each other, do it! If you want to straighten a tie or necklace, that's fine too! This moment is special and unique to just you two so whatever happens is perfect!

Ignore Your Photographer

You don't have to look at your photographer during this moment. Enjoy seeing each other and enjoy that moment. Your photographer will usually stay back a bit and just capture the emotion and what unfolds. It may seem like it will be hard to ignore your photographer but in the moment you will just be focused on your fiancé!

Savor The Moment and Have Fun!

Feel free to take your time with the first look. If you want to take a few moments after the first look, just for yourselves, that's fine too. Have fun looking at your future spouse in their gorgeous wedding attire.