Meet the adorable Kat and Cordell! These two first met in high school and became fast friends. After school life took them in different directions and Kat ended up moving to another state and her and Cordell lost touch. Kat ended up moving back to Indiana around three years ago and her and Cordell ended up reconnecting and picking up their friendship like they never were apart. Eventually their family and friends started asking them when they would start dating but they kept telling everyone they were just good friends. Eventually they figured out what everyone else already knew, that they were perfect for each other! Kat and Cordell both never really saw marriage in their cards and were content with their lives as they were but after reconnecting and realizing that they really do love each other and really have the same plans for the rest of their lives that marriage was in their cards! Cordell proposed on the 4th of July after they lit and watched fireworks! Kat of course said yes!
Kat and Cordell was really a fun couple and their wedding is going to be nothing short of that! They are getting married in just a couple weeks. They will be having a traditional ceremony and then all of their guests and them will be changing into Halloween costumes for their reception! I can not wait and I know it will be a blast!
For their engagement session, we met up at the gorgeous courthouse in Delphi, Indiana. Kat and Cordell really love the architecture of the courthouse and cat spent many years working nearby and in the courthouse so she is good friends with everyone in the courthouse. The day of their session it downpoured for the majority of the day, however, we lucked out and got some pretty light for their session as well!
Enjoy some of my favorites from their engagement session and be sure to check back for their wedding in a couple weeks!