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Handy Items To Have For Wedding Day Emergencies: Wedding Wednesday

Handy Items To Have For Wedding Day Emergencies

You plan and plan for your wedding day to make sure your day is perfect and exactly what you envision. You hired all the best vendors to make sure your day goes off with out a hitch. You probably even have a wedding day emergency kit packed, just in case. However, is there anything else you may need? After photographing weddings for 8 years, I've run across my share of wedding day mini emergencies. Nothing is major and the wedding still goes off without a hitch but below are some of the top items that get requested at weddings to help remedy mini emergencies!

This is probably the number one requested item on wedding days! There is always a tag left on an outfit, loose threads to cut, or some sort of package to open. There is not a wedding that goes by that doesn't use scissors in some capacity! You don't need a huge pair of scissors, you can totally bring along some mini scissors.

This is the second most requested item! Safety pins can be used for sooooo many different things! Maybe an undergarment needs to be pinned to a dress, maybe a boutonnière needs some extra support, maybe a tie isn't staying in place or maybe your linens aren't draping in the right way. Safety pins can help with all of that! Buy a variety pack, like this one, so you will have assorted sizes on hand to combat any issues that pop up!

Sewing kits aren't needed at every wedding buy sometimes a hem gets pulled or a button pops off and that sewing kit can come in handy! You can buy a mini sewing kit like these or you can just bring along something that you may have at home.

Thread That Matches Your Outfits

Along with that sewing kit, you will also want thread that matches your attire! Sewing kits usually only comes with a few limited colors so you will want to make sure you have colors on hand that match the wedding dress, tux color, bridesmaid dresses, and parent's attire so you can fix any issue.

Sometimes tux and suit buttons aren't sewed on the best and can unravel during the day. When they fall off, sometimes they don't get found. Bring along those spare buttons that come with your outfits or bring along some spares.

Stains happen. Maybe someone spills their wine or backs into something. Maybe someone stepped on a dress or makeup was transferred to someone's outfit. These stains aren't as noticeable in photos as you think they will be but having a handy stain remover pin on hand can help erase all issue that may pop up.

A manicure kit is good to have on hand for everyone! Nails can break and get snagged and sometimes nothing is worse than a rough nail! Your manicure kit should at lease have some nail clippers and a nail file so you can take care of anything that may come up. If you are wearing nail polish, it's also a great idea to bring a bottle of the polish along so you can touch up any chips or smudges that may happen.

This isn't required for all weddings but if you or your soon-to-be-spouse will be wearing a dress with a button up back, then this can come in handy! Those small elastic loops that hook around the button are sometimes difficult to maneuver with just your fingers. A crochet hook will help you hook those bands around the buttons with ease!

If you don't feel like you want to try to round up all of these items, there are wedding day emergency kits that you can purchase that contain a lot of these items and more! You can always pick up one of these and then add any additional items that you think you will need.

*Just so you know, some of these links may be affiliate links and if you purchase from using the link, we may get a small share of the sales. Also, pricing is accurate at time of publication and may fluctuate.



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