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Indianapolis Wedding Photographer


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I'm Jasmine and I'm a wedding photographer based in Indiana but I serve clients worldwide!

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The Knot and Wedding Wire Pro Experience Cleveland 2019: Personal & Travel

The Knot Wedding Wire Pro Experience Cleveland Ohio

I'm all about constant learning. All business owners and professionals can always keep learning and improving their business. This is why I invest in conferences, trade shows, and workshops so I can keep improving my business and my craft!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I took a mini road trip with Kaylee of Kaylee Creighton Photography and Heidi of ONBB Weddings to Cleveland for The Knot and Wedding Wire's Pro Experience. Kaylee and I (along with Alison) attended this workshop last year in Detroit and had a blast! When they announced another workshop this year in Cleveland, I jumped in! The Knot and Wedding Wire are both instrumental for my business and I always love getting to attend these events and meet everyone.

This blog will be a little recap of our trip. NOTE: The vast majority of the images on this blog are from my cell phone so don't judge my images! Haha :)

First thing first, is that I have to talk about our GORGEOUS Airbnb that we stayed at! It's called The Wes Anders Inn and it was a 2 story duplex with three bedrooms that was Wes Anderson themed. It was beyond cute! I didn't get any photos of our bedrooms but they were equally just as cute!

We checked in to the Airbnb Tuesday night and then went to grab some dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. Afterwards, we came back and had a mini headshot session on the rainbow stairs! Heidi captured these cute BTS shots!

Thank you Kaylee for the images of me below!

On Wednesday we woke up bright and early and grabbed some coffee before heading to the workshop. We arrived as were greeted with this donut wall and some other yummy treats for breakfast! The workshop was held at the gorgeous venue The Madison!

There was also this amazing vintage car!

The stage for the conference was decorated so cute!

The first half of the day was filled with speakers that spoke about branding, selling, and more! The wonderful Alan Berg (pictured below) was one of the speakers. I've watched lots of things from him online so it was so great to hear him speak in person!

After the first half of the day was done, it was time for dinner in this gorgeous space! I mean, seriously!

There was a live band and Tapas stations and desserts!

After lunch we heard from a few more speakers and then headed back to Indiana! If you're a wedding pro, I recommend attending a Knot and Wedding Wire Experience near you!


See the LOVE on Instagram!

@jasmine.norris  |  #jasminenorrisphotography  #jasminenorrisweddings  #jasminenorrisengagements

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