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Indianapolis Wedding Photographer


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I'm Jasmine and I'm a wedding photographer based in Indiana but I serve clients worldwide!

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In Focus Marketing Summit 2020 Recap: For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

Last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Victoria of Victoria Rayburn Photography and I put on the 2nd annual In Focus Marketing Summit! (If you want to see images from last years summit, click HERE.) The In Focus Marketing Summit is a workshop for photographers that focuses on the marketing side of running a photography business. We focus on really nailing down a marketing plan for our attendees and cover topics like: finding your ideal client, SEO, getting published, blogging, social media, client experience, websites, and so much more! We love getting to pour our hearts out to our attendees and help them nail down their marketing efforts!

This year, we did things a little differently for the Summit and rented out a gorgeous Airbnb in Indianapolis, Indiana! We really want our attendees to start implementing what they learn right away and having everyone stay together was so helpful for that! We had work times built into the Summit and once the day was over, everyone would put on their PJ's and work together and ask Victoria and I for help.

We kicked off the Summit on Thursday and everyone arrived at the Airbnb to settle into their rooms. We then had a welcome party with wine and some yummy appetizers from Connie of Sassy Sweets Catering. We had Connie cater every meal for us and it was so nice to not have to worry about food and Connie's meals are delicious! After everyone got to know each other, Victoria dived right into talk about how to identify your ideal client. After some time working on finding their ideal client, we called it night so we could rest up for the next full day.

On Friday, we woke up bright and early for a full day of learning. Connie made us an amazing quiche for breakfast and we also had some bagels and yogurt. After everyone had some breakfast we dived into our first topics of the day, Branding: How to Determine & Communicate Your Brand as a Photographer and 9 Things Your Website Needs to Convert. Afterwards everyone was able to work for a bit on those topics and then we had lunch. Connie made some vegetable soup, chicken soup, and sandwiches for us along with some yummy cookies. After lunch we dived right into SEO: 14 Steps to Improving Your Google Search Rankings. Afterwards we had a quick break for attendees to process what they learned and then we dived right into Get Published: How to WOW Publishers & Create the Perfect Submission. That was the end of the topics for the day so it was time for a quick break and work time where attendees could implement what they learned during the day. Connie provided us with a yummy taco bar and some amazing cupcakes for dinner! After dinner we kept working and watched some Moana and then we all got some shut eye.

Saturday was an early day as well! We started the day with a breakfast casserole, bagels, and yogurt with some mimosas and then we dived right into Social Media For Photographers and Blogging for Photographers. Afterwards, we had a quick break and then we took some headshots. After headshots, it was time for lunch and Connie provided us with an amazing pasta bar and some more cupcakes! After lunch we dived into our last two sessions: Client Experience and 15 Things We Wish We Would Have Known. We ended the day with some Q&A and then we all said our goodbyes, packed up some food to-go, and then headed out of the Airbnb.

It was a busy 3 days but it was truly the best! Victoria and I love pouring our heart and sharing our knowledge with our attendees. The best part is hearing all about their triumphs once they get everything into place! My heart is full and I can't wait to see everyone again!

Victoria and I are planning on holding the In Focus Marketing Summit again in 2021 so if you missed out this time, no worries! If you want to make sure you don't miss the announcement for the 2021 Summit, you can join the waitlist at!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

Without further ado, here are some photos from this weekend!

Our super adorable Airbnb!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers
In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

Day 1 learning!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

Day 2 learning!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

Connie and her amazing cupcakes!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers
In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

We had to get a couple images in our pajamas!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

Day 3 learning!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers


In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

And a couple group photos!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers
In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers

Click the graphic below to sign up to be notified when the next Summit opens up!

In Focus Marketing Summit, A Marketing Workshop For Photographers


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