Get ready to feast your eyes on the amazing designs from Indiana Fashion Week 2022! I've been photographing for Indiana Fashion Week (INDFW) since their first year in 2019. It's always so great to combine my love of photography with my love of fashion! I was the lead photographer again this year and it was a blast getting to document the whole week and getting to work with my amazing photography team! (Check out previous years HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE.)
Below is a selection of images from the week. Be sure to check out each of the designers and the team behind the scenes that makes the show happen (credits at the end of blog)!
Day one was the Youth Designer Challenge. This day, several youth designers got 45 minutes and $30 to shop the Salvation Army to find clothing that they could turn into new designs! After the shopped, they got to work on their sketches for their designs.
Day two was the second day of the Youth Designer Challenge. On this day, the designers got to work on their creations at Stitchworks and got some guidance by some great mentors. You will see their completed designs below in the Runway Show!
Day three was the Selfie WRLD Content Party and photography contest! On this day, 5 photographers got to photograph a model in Selfie WRLD and have their final photo judged and the winner got some great prizes from Roberts Camera! After the contest, Selfie WRLD was opened up for INDFW guests to hang out and get some fun photos!
Day four was Fashionable Travels. The day started out with a quick runway show on an IndyGo bus then the models took a Handlebar to Monument Circle for a fashion show along the circle!
Day five was a Cruella themed fashion show at Newfields. I had another event that day so I wasn't able to photograph that one.
Day six was the finale and the Runway Shows! All of the amazing designers and youth designers got to show off their creations! The Runway Shows took place at the amazing Dallara IndyCar Factory!
So many people come together to make fashion week a success and there was a great hair and makeup team!
Before the runway shows started, guests were able to show the marketplace for some fun clothing to take home!
The VIP guests were treated to some fun drinks and some amazing appetizers.
There was also a flash mob type fashion show that happened with the Display Models!
While guests waited for the Runway Shows to start, they also got to partake in a ride in an Indy Car! (I did this and it was a lot of fun!)
It's almost showtime!
The show started off with the Designer Model Showcase and featured designs from House of Xiong, Katie Newton, Nikki Blaine Couture, Beth Bennett, and Tyne Neal.
The show hosts for the evening were Jalea Brooks and Felicia Lawrence of WTHR.
The first designer was Wazeil & Uazit with Wazuaz by Stalph!
Then it was time for Micah Horne with asymclothing!
Next up is Peggy Latta with textile hARvesT!
Now it's time for the Youth Designers! These are the designers from Day 1 and Day 2! Mya Weddle, Mayzie Melchiors, Gianna McCrary, Breanna Knight, Vivienne Smith, and Cydney Smith!
Daniel Yeakey performed while the models for Denisha Ferguson's Dlang Designs walked the runway!
Denisha is the founder of Indiana Fashion Week!
Next up was designer Andrea Campbell with Andrea Campbell Designs!
Next up was Beth Bennett with Bethe!
And now it's time for the last designer of the night, Tendai Phillips with REDEFINITION Clothing!
The show ended with acknowledgements from INDFW founder, Denisha Ferguson and president, Michael Weston!
It was a spectacular week and a great runway show! There were so many great designs and designers! Sooooo many people come together to make INDFW a success so be sure to check out the folks listed below!
Leadership Team:
Creator/CEO: Denisha "Dlang" Ferguson
President: Michael Weston
Fashion Show Director: Regina Warren
Show Coordinator/Stage Manager: Claire Quesisser
Videographer: Quintin Ross
Backstage Manager: Logan Glidewell
Volunteer Communications Director: Kevin White
Lead Hairstylist: Danielle Oglesby
Lead Stylist: Keng Xiong
Lead Stylist: Jon Gregory
Lead Photographer: Jasmine Norris
Editorial Assistant: Nate Beaman
Interns: Sophia Hopkins and Sarah J.
WaZeil & UaZit with WAZUAZ by STALPH
Micah Horne with asymclothing
Peggy Latta with textile hARvesT
Denisha Ferguson with Dlang Designs
Andrea Campbell with Andrea Campbell Designs
Beth Bennett with BETHE
Tendai Philllips with REDEFINITION Clothing
Supernormal, Launch Your Great Idea, IndyGo, Pattern, WTHR, City of Indianapolis, Downtown Indy, The Indianapolis Foundation, Arts Council, Taste of Innovia, Innova Artis, Stitchworks, Paethos, The Salvation Army, Hotel Indy, Gang Gang, CQRE, 360 Model Bootcamp, Arts for Lawrence, Saks Fifth Avenue, Pier 48, T-Cuts, Indy Car Experience, Dallara, Selfie WRLD
Makeup Team- Peyton Lacey, Erin Fahey, Tynesha Davis, Michelle Young, Olivia Santaquilani
Hair Team- Robrina Murhead, Brittany Smith, Jonny Hutchins, Melissa Cornell, Jelana Bolden, Ariel J., Avionna Huston, Kaleb Talarico, Triocoche Team
Styling Team- Tyrah Brewer, Christian Arrieta-Roman, Swanetta Hunt, Tynae Neal
Photo Team- Kaylon Outlaw, Michaela Duerson, Keith Green, Jim Nethercott, Kayla Allen, Aaron Spaulding
Volunteer Team- Tiffany Tucker, Krystee Hayes, Pariah Powell, Chelise Young, Kaleena B, Tiffanie King, Stephanie Garbrow
Display Designers- Witty By Code, Tynae Neal, Katie Newton, Keng House Of Xiong, Emily Gartner, Uazit-Stalph, Emma Hagenaur & William Tyler Grube-Regard